Computer Science Engineer Msc

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK)

The MSc in Computer Engineering program focuses on teaching subject-specific theoretical and practical skills to deepen your knowledge in a chosen field of computer science after your bachelor's degree. The course is primarily offered to graduates of a bachelor's degree in engineering informatics. Students will be placed in a specialisation after admission. The four semesters of the programme place a strong emphasis on independent work, during which students are also involved in research/development projects in their specialisation. You will also be required to participate in a work placement of at least 4 weeks, either in an industrial company or on a faculty project. After graduation, you can either enter the world of work or continue your studies in the PhD (doctoral) programme.

Qualification Computer Science Engineering MSc program

Language English

Start September and February

Pre-evaluation of the submitted documents: 1. quality of BSc diploma (min 70% required) and transcript, 2. proof of English language proficiency that should be at B2 level, 3. motivation letter, 4. electronic e-admission test Please visit for further information

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


Fundamental science • Mathematics (10 credits) System Optimization, Applied Algebra and Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Statistics • Fundamental of Computer Science (10 credits) Formal Methods, Language and Automatics, Software Architectures


Fundamental of Computer Science

Formal Methods, Language and Automatics, Software Architectures

10 credits

System Optimization, Applied Algebra and Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Statistics

10 credits

Additional skills

Human and economic subjects

Engineering management

10 credits
Free elective subjects
6 credits

Advanced Courses

Specific professional knowledge
14 credits
40 credits
6 weeks
Thesis work
30 credits

Career options

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of BME is the most important training and research institution in Hungary in the fields of electrical engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD) and computer engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD). Founded in 1949, it is the largest faculty of BME and its degrees are highly valued by national and international rankings independent of the institution. Both the IT and the engineering fields offer outstanding job and salary opportunities for graduates. According to labour market surveys and graduate career tracking statistics, the average salary of BME VIK graduates is well above the national average, and the majority of students find their future jobs during their studies.

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