Doctoral Studies DLA (Doctoral School of Architecture)

Faculty of Architecture (ÉPK)

8 semesters

The program of the Doctoral School of Architecture leads to the PhD-equivalent degree Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA). The four year long curriculum strongly focuses on creative architectural design supported by project-based research. The first two years of the course is the period of study and preparation. The basis is the group of subjects involving research-based architecture and publication. The third and fourth year covers individual research under the supervision of a renowned architect.

Fields of Study


Start September

Relevant MSc degree; quality of MSc transcript (min. 70%); 2-year professional activity after MSc graduation or 5-year in case of direct access to the third year programme; portfolio; research plan agreed and accepted by the host institute in advance; language skills proven by TOEFL (min iBt 80 points), IELTS (min 5.5 points), Cambridge First Certificate, or equivalent certificates.

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Structure of program

The doctoral course is an activity performed in the scope of independent or group instruction corresponding to the characteristics of the field of art and the demands of the doctoral student. The course consists of a training and research phase and a research and thesis phase; both phases are four semesters in length. The condition of moving on from the first phase to the second is a pass grade in the complex examination.


Fundamental academic subjects
  • Research-based architecture 1-8, 128 credits
    Two mutually reinforcing activities in parallel: theoretical research work and artistic practice
  • Publication 1-8, 32 credits
    Written publications meeting academic standards, within the framework of a cited medium.
Methodology and thematic subject group
  • Research methodology 1-4, 16 credits
    Theoretical and methodology assistance for the elaboration of the individual’s research topics
  • Thematic subject group, 16 credits
    Culture & architecture, Architecture & communication, Environment psychology, Modern Hungarian architecture
Practice of instruction
  • Guided instruction 1-8, 30 credits
    Participation as an instructor on the graduate course under the guidance of an appointed instructor.
Optional subjects
  • Creation 1-8, up to 18 credits
    The doctoral school’s own elective subject, recognises extracurricular professionnal activities.
  • External optional subjects, up to 12 credits
    Subjects of universities’ MSc or doctoral courses that facilitate progress in the research topic.

Midterm evaluation


Advanced courses
  • advanced elective courses and participation in intertaional summer schools / workshops support your research
Teaching under guidance
  • teaching BSc/MSc courses under supervision develop further your presentation and communication skills


Public thesis defence

Career options

The doctoral degree is the fundamental requirement, the starting point of an academic career. Architects acquiring the DLA degree have the ability to independently plan research (recognise, identify and formulate research problems), implement research (utilise architectural research methods and techniques), publish and interpret his/her research results in professional forums and in the course of the activity as instructor. These competences also contribute to a higher level of his/her own architectural activity through comprehensive thinking and the integration of research results.

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DLA in Architecture