Engineering Management MSc

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK)

The graduates of our Engineering Manager master's programme are equipped with the theoretical and methodological background to solve complex problems in technological and business environments and to manage their implementaion, as well as to manage teams of organisations operating in such environments. It is designed for people who want to acquire versatile, up-to-date and practical knowledge in management and in engineering, and who are open to complex problems requiring versatility. The harmony of natural sciences, engineering, as well as management is a crucial aspect of the engineering manager programme of Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Qualification MSc in Engineering Management

Language English

Start September

Applicants will have to take an online entrance examination, consisting of two parts. First, they need to take an online test. In case they pass the test successfully, they have to take part in an online motivational interview. During the interview applicants are expected to give an account of their professional interests, skills and training, and also to explain their motivation for joining the programme.

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


The program offers a combination of courses of natural sciences, engineering, as well as management and 5 specializations including Value Management, Management 4.0, Financial Management, Product Management and Environmental Management.


Natural sciences

Quantitative Methods, Modern Physics, The Science of Biotechnology, The Science of Nanotechnology, etc.

17 credits
Management and economics

Management, Marketing Management, Accounting, Sustainable Environmental Economics, Business Economics

19 credits

Additional skills

Engineering (2 courses from the list)

Energy Management, Infocommunication Systems, Enterprise Logistics, Transport Geo-Informatics, etc,

10 credits
Management and social sciences

Introduction to Case Solving, Case Competiton, Research Methodology in Economics, Corporate Law, etc.

3 credits
Decision Support Systems
3 credits

Applied Science and Technology

Core material

Production and Operations Management, Quality Management, Technology Management, Project Management, etc.

26 credits
Specialization (2 courses for each)

Value Management, Environmental Management, Management 4.0, Financial Management;

6 credits
30 credits
4 weeks

Career options

Graduates of Master in Engineering Management can find, among others, career opportunities in fields requiring both management skills and engineering knowledge, such as quality management, service management, production management, project management, environmental management, engineering or management consulting. The compulsory internship in the curriculum helps students to find a suitable workplace, but our most dedicated students can enroll in our PhD school to become highly qualified researchers or even pursue an academic career.

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