Integrated MSc Program in Architectural Engineering

Faculty of Architecture (ÉPK)

The Integrated MSc Program is a five-year (10 semester) long training and leads directly to an MSc degree in Architecture and Architectural Engineering (Dipl. Ing. Arch.). Students have to accumulate min 300 credit points. The Program requires to accomplish obligatory and elective subjects alike. During the program, students can choose from the following specialisations: Sustainable Architecture, Real Estate Development, Urban Design, Architectural Heritage, Architectural Design, Form and Structure, Innovative Building Construction. Note: The Faculty of Architecture reserves the right of changing the Curricula. Specialisations have a minimum required number of students to start.

Qualification Integrated MSc Program in Architectural Engineering

Language English

Start September

For our BSc programs general minimum requirements are an eligible highschool degree; document of English language proficiency and successful admission tests, while for our MSc programs an eligible BSc degree is needed. Detailed information on the general admission procedure (deadlines and requirements) can be found on our E-admission page

The Integrated MSc Program’s requirements are the same as the BSc programs’ requirements.

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


During the 10 semester long Integrated MSc Program, students receive a balanced combination of courses in architecture from design studios to technical skills and they can choose from the specialisations. The program requires to accomplish obligatory and elective subjects alike.

Basic architectural skills

Creative skill development, basic art subjects

Freehand drawing, graphics, visualisation, patterning, modelling, spatial composition

23 credits
Humanities and social sciences, economics and law

Sociology, philosophy, economics, law

10 credits
Scientific and technical knowledge

Mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, statics, strength of materials, informatics

34 credits

Professional knowledge in architecture

Design studios

Residential buildings, public buildings, workplaces, design methodology, urban design

42 credits
History of architecture

History of architecture, preservation of historic monuments, theory of architecture

12 credits
Technical skills

Design of structures, building constructions, building services engineering, construction technology, management, CAAD, BIM, building materials

55 credits



Sustainable Architecture, Real Estate Development, Urban Design, Architectural Heritage, Architectural Design, Form and Structure, Innovative Building Construction

77 credits
Elective subjects
15 credits

Diploma design and internship

Diploma design
26 credits
8+4 weeks

Career options

The 10 semester long Integrated MSc program leads directly to an MSc degree in Architecture and Architectural Engineering (Dipl. Ing. Arch.). The Faculty of Architecture focuses on training highly professional experts in architectural engineering who are aware of the social and cultural implications of their profession. Versatility is emphasized so that students will gain fundamental knowledge and skills in every possible field of architecture: design, consulting, construction and management. Employment is directly possible after the Integrated MSc degree or our most dedicated students can enroll in one of our Doctoral Schools to obtain a PhD or DLA degree to become highly qualified researchers or even pursue an academic career.

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