Logistics-engineer BSc

Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (KJK)

Over the years, logistics has gradually permeated our lives in such a way that it has become a success factor in our everyday efficiency and "well-being". Whether it's a company, a healthcare institution or a family. Everywhere you look in supply chains, you see factories, warehouses, plants. Without modern logistics, they would not function and the links between them would not work. Logistics is a discipline that provides us with the technical, technological, IT and organisational tools, in other words a complex body of knowledge and professional background, to achieve the above objectives. If you want to learn about these methods and gain useful knowledge in the organisation of value-creating processes, don't hesitate to choose this degree!

Qualification Logistics-engineer BSc program

Language English

Start September

For our BSc programs general minimum requirements are an eligible highschool degree; document of English language proficiency and successful admission tests, while for our MSc programs an eligible BSc degree is needed. Detailed information on the general admission procedure (deadlines and requirements) can be found on our E-admission page.

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


Logistics engineers equipped with modern engineering skills, are able to operate logistics processes in complex value-creating systems, to identify and diagnose operational problems, and to contribute to the technical, technological and IT development of logistics systems and networks.


Informatics, Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Control

Programming, Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Control, Database Systems

25 credits

Linear Algebra, Calculus, Operation Research, Statistics

23 credits
Physics, Materials, Mechanics

General Physics, Statics & Dynamics, Material Technology

15 credits

Additional skills

Other subjects

Management & Entrepreneurship, Compulsory Elective Major Courses, Compulsory Elective Economics Courses, Elective Courses

37 credits

Advanced Courses

Advanced Enginnering Skills

Basics of Logistics Engineering, Value Engineering, Vizualization Techniques, Packaging, Supply Chain Management, Freight Forwarding, Basics of Lean Management, Intralogistics, Safety, Information Systems, Future Technologies, Project Work, Modelling, Gamification

88 credits

Career options

The main tasks of a logistics engineer include the operation, planning, evaluation and optimisation of logistics processes. An important task is to participate in or even lead projects for the development of company logistics. The logistics engineer will have an overview of the supply chain, be able to think in terms of networks, be familiar with the needs of retail and service companies. Besides the industry opportunities, BSc graduates can can continue their studies in our MSc in Logistics Engineering program.

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