Doctoral School of Business and Management

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (GTK)

8 semesters

The declared aim of the Doctoral School of Business and Management is to train and guide the research of professionals who can recognize, describe, and model the economic, technical, and socio-scientific aspects of various economic activities, formulate approaches leading to the solution of emerging problems and develop appropriate procedures. In this way, they will create new scientific results and further develop existing ones in the chosen topic. To achieve this, beyond basic economic theory and analytical techniques, the Doctoral School places a significant emphasis on the areas of production management, marketing management, organizational sciences, international economics, quality management, accounting and finance, as well as regional and environmental economics.

Fields of Study

Production Management
Marketing Management
Organizational Sciences
International Economics
Quality Management
Regional and Environmental Economics

Start September

Eligibility criteria: MSc in Business management, Management Science, Engineering management, Business Economics; (preferably with quality of ‘merit’ or ‘distinction’); other MSc can be accepted after detailed transcript evaluation (quality and eligibility); successful admission exam; language skills proven by TOEFL iBt min 88, IELTS min 6.5, PTE Academic min 76 or Cambridge (FCE, CAE, CPE) min 180; initial scientific achievements (for further information refer HERE)


You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Structure of program

In their studies our students focus on recognizing, formulating, modelling the economic, technical and social aspects of different production, service and public activities. For Training Plan, Rules of Procedures and available Research Topics, please visit our website!


Guided research
  • supervisor guides and helps research work
Research work
  • publication in peer reviewed international journals
  • presentation of results at international conferences

Midterm evaluation

Comprehensive examination
  • evaluation of scientific background and research progress
  • completion is required to enter second half of training


Advanced courses
  • advanced seminars in the main areas of management and economics
  • optional courses in the area of specialization
  • workshops/summer school possibilities
  • joint research with industrial, service and/or public administration organizations
Teaching under guidance

teaching BSc/MSc courses under supervision to further develop your presentation and communication skills


Public thesis defence

Career options

The PhD studies in the area of management and business administration prepare students to work in two main areas. Those who want to pursue a carrier path in the academic area may work in business schools, engineering schools in the industrial engineering or engineering management areas or in any higher education institutions with a focus on management and engineering education. Also, research institutions in these areas can be a possible choice for graduates. Those who want to work in production, service or public organizations will be equipped with knowledge for high level management positions and with skills necessary in the research and development areas.

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Management and economics at the highest level