Doctoral School of Informatics

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK)

8 semesters

The mission of the Doctoral School of Informatics is to train internationally recognized researchers who possess deep knowledge and appropriate skills in various areas of computer science and information technology and are capable of producing new scientific results and innovative products. In the program, the entire spectrum of computer science is covered, ranging from embedded systems to telecommunication networks, from algorithm research to artificial intelligence, from data science to information security. Modern laboratories and IT infrastructure are available for PhD students. The diverse industrial connections of the faculty guarantee that research is motivated by real-world problems and the degree paves the way to competitive employment opportunities.

Fields of Study

Algorithm theory
Artifficial intelligence
Biomedical informatics
Computer graphics
Computer security
Critical systems
Data science
Embedded systems
Software modeling
Telecommunication networks
Quantum computing and communication

Start September and February

The full-time doctoral programs are available in either tuition fee-paying or scholarship awarded forms. The entry requirements are:

* Completed master’s studies with a result of min. 70%

* Appropriate knowledge of English

* Sufficient background knowledge in the field, proven by an online test

* Sufficient knowledge related to the selected research topic, proven at an online inverview

A detailed descritption about these requirements can be viewed HERE!

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Structure of program

During the 8 semesters of the doctoral studies 240 credits must be obtained. The source of the credits are:

* 30 credits for elective doctoral courses, that provide the disciplinary background for research

* 120 credits for guided research

* 60 credits for publications

* 30 credits for contribution to teaching BSc and MSc students, in order to improve presentation, explanation and reasoning skills


Guided research
  • supervisor guides and helps research work
Research work
  • publication in peer reviewed intemational journals
  • presentation of results at international conferences

Midterm evaluation

Comprehensive examination
  • evaluation of scientific background and research progress
  • completion required to enter second half of training


Advanced courses
  • advanced elective courses and participation in intertaional summer schools / workshops support your research
Teaching under guidance

teaching BSc/MSc courses under supervision develop further your presentation and communication skills


Public thesis defence

Career options

Obtaining a doctoral degree opens up vast emplyment opportunities in leading IT firms as well as academia. In the industry, there is a high demand for highly qualified research engineers who, thanks to their analytical thinking, can effectively apply the latest technologies for the benefit of the company. Many of our former doctoral students now work in leading positions at large and well-known companies. In the academic sector, a PhD degree serves as the entry point to become a professor, in Hungary or at foreign institutions.

Contact form

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