Transportation Engineer MSc

Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (KJK)

Become the traffic engineer of the future! Control and design transport systems! If you're interested in truly innovative, advanced transport modes, technologies and solutions, this is the place for you! Transportation engineer students receive a balanced combination of courses in engineering, mathematics, operations research, computer and data science, as well as management.

Qualification Transportation Engineer MSc program

Language English

Start September

For our BSc programs general minimum requirements are an eligible highschool degree; document of English language proficiency and successful admission tests, while for our MSc programs an eligible BSc degree is needed. Detailed information on the general admission procedure (deadlines and requirements) can be found on our E-admission page


You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


Transportation engineer students receive a balanced combination of courses in engineering, mathematics, operations research, computer and data science, as well as management.



Mathematics, control theory, numerical methods, decision making methods

16 credits
Information technologie

Electronics – electronic measurement systems, information and communication techologies

7 credits
Additional skills

Project management, economics and human sciences, any course of the university

14 credits

Additional skills

Project management, economics and human sciences, any course of the university

14 credits
Thesis work

Master thesis 1 and 2

30 credits

Industrial practice

4 weeks

Advanced Courses

Transportation sciences and technology

Transport economics, automation, operation, and informatics, traffic flow, intelligent transport systems, road safety

30 credits


Transport systems

Smart city, transport modelling, city logistics, passenger transportation, environmental effects

23 credits
Transport automatization

Vehicle-track information connection, modelling and conrol, signal processing, design of automation systems

23 credits
Transportation engineer manager

Infrastructure, service, and human resource management, transport policy, financing techniques

23 credits
Freight forwarding management

Freight forwarding management, material handling and warehousing, trade, financial, and accounting, marketing

23 credits
Air traffic management

Meteorology, communications, navigation, and surveillance, air traffic management and control, safety

23 credits

Career options

By the end of the transport engineering master's program, the ability to manage transport at the system level is completed. The managing and optimizing of transport processes is the main task in the various jobs. In public transport, service providers (local or national public transport companies) and service ordering authorities; operators in the management of private transport; local governments; planning companies, and freight forwarder companies in the field of freight transport are looking for transport engineers.

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