Vehicle-engineer BSc

Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (KJK)

If you're interested in vehicles from submarines to cars, planes and rockets and want to learn more about them, then you'll find a place for you in our vehicle-engineer program.

Qualification Vehicle-engineer BSc program

Language English

Start September

For our BSc programs general minimum requirements are an eligible highschool degree; document of English language proficiency and successful admission tests, while for our MSc programs an eligible BSc degree is needed. Detailed information on the general admission procedure (deadlines and requirements) can be found on our E-admission page.

You can study at BME with a scholarship or as a self-funded student, by paying tuition fees. Various scholarships help you cover tuition fees and your living expenses during your studies. Successful PhD students may receive additional support from research grants.

Not available


Vehicle engineer students are able to solve basic engineering tasks in the fields of design, production, maintenance, repair and recycling of different transport equipment and vehicle systems, in accordance with the expectations of industrial partners.


Mathematics, Physics

Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, Statistics, General Physics, Statics & Dynamics

35 credits

Additional skills

Other subjects

Project Work Basics, Compulsory Elective Major Courses, Compulsory Elective Economics Course, Elective Courses

30 credits

Advanced Courses

Advanced Enginnering Skills

Basics of Mobility, Practical or Theory Based Moduls

25 credits

Automotives, Vehicle mechatronics, Rail vehicles, Aircrafts, Vessels, Manufacturing

38 credits
Thesis work
15 credits

Career options

Graduate engineers will be able to carry out sub-engineering tasks in the areas of design, manufacturing, operation, testing, maintenance, repair and recycling, mainly in the field of vehicles, in line with the expectations of industry, and will be well prepared to continue their studies in Vehicle Engineering at MSc level.

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