Tuition fees

Please see below the tuition fees for academic year 2025/26. 

Please note that tuition fees may vary from year to year, so kindly refer to the current tuition fee table here.

Bdapest University of Technology and Economics determines all tuition fees for the academic year and reserves the right to change them without prior notice.

For information on our refund policy, please see Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits.

BSc Professional Pilot

From 1st to 6th term, HUF 5,805,500 (cca. EUR 14750). 7th and further term, HUF 1,767,000 (cca. EUR 4500)


From 1st to 6th term, HUF 5,805,500 (cca. EUR 1,4750). 7th and further term, HUF 1,767,000 (cca. EUR 4500)


Base fee, EUR 1400 Credit fee, EUR/cp: 70/cp Full, EUR, for 30 cp: 3500


Base fee, EUR 1100 Credit fee, EUR/cp: 70/cp Full, EUR, for 30 cp: 3200


MSc for graduates of external higher education institutions
PhD for graduates of external higher education institutions